Joint Management Body (JMB)/Management Corporation(MC)


  1. Each stratified development area has parts of buildings and areas owned and used jointly by all occupants. Both the building and the area are known as the "Common Property". 

  2. This Common Property must be managed and maintained to ensure that it can be utilized by each occupant in the area. Costs for these purposes should be borne jointly by each occupant. A body representing all occupants should be established for management purposes.

  3. This body should get a mandate from the residents for the purpose of implementing the management and maintenance of the Common Property. Any decision of this body should be made collectively.

Joint Management Body (JMB)

  1. It means a body established under Chapter 3. Article 17 of Act 757 which is responsible for managing and maintaining a stratified development area consisting of developers and buyers.​

  2. Joint Management Body (JMB) shall be established consisting of developers and buyers when the first meeting was held not later than 12 months from the date of delivery of vacant possession of the parcels to the buyer.

  1. The duty of the developers is to convene the first meeting 

    • ​​It is the duty of developers to convene the first meeting of all purchasers 

    • The developer shall provide a written notice of the first meeting to all purchasers of not less than 14 days before the meeting. 

    • If the developer fails to hold its first meeting within the specified period, the Commissioner may appoint a person to hold the first meeting of that body within the time specified by the Commissioner. 

    • The developer shall, until the establishment of the body and subject to the provisions of this act, is responsible for the maintenance and management of the property. 

    • Any developer who fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offense is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding RM 20,000 or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months or to both. 

    • Joint Management Committee is made up of developers and not less than five and no more than 12 purchasers who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Joint Management Board and shall hold office for a term not exceeding three years or until the dissolution of the body in accordance with Section 15 of Act 663, whichever is the earlier.​

  2. JMB Membership is as follows: - 

    • The developer 

    • Chairman

    • Secretary 

    • Treasurer

    • 9 Members

  3. To be a member of JMB:

    • Compartment owner

    • Free from maintenance charges ​

    • Attended the first JMB meeting / AGM

  4. Duties of JMB

    • ​​Maintain common property in good condition and repairs them duly.

    • Decide on charges for duly repair and maintenance of the common property. 

    • ​Insured the building for as a replacement building value against fire and such other risks as may be determined by the Board. 

    • Using the insurance money received by the body in respect of damage to the building for it to be rebuilt and restored. ​

    • Comply with any notice or order given or made by local authorities or any other competent public authority requiring the abatement of any nuisance on the property, or ordering repairs or other work to be done in respect of the common property or other improvements to the property. 

    • Provide and maintain a register of all purchasers of the building. 

    • Ensure that the Building Maintenance Fund is audited and to provide audited financial statements for the information to buyers. 

    • Enforce the house rules for the maintenance and management of the building. 

    • Undertake any other matters as may be expedient or necessary for the maintenance and management of the building.​

  5. The power of JMB 

    • Collect from buyers maintenance and management charges in proportion to the share units assigned to their respective compartments. 

    • Allows the expenditure for carrying out maintenance and management of common property. 

    • Recovery of any purchaser the amount of money spent by the body with respect to the compartment in complying with any notice or order as mentioned under paragraph (1) (e). 

    • Purchase, lease or otherwise acquire movable or immovable property for use by purchasers in relation to the enjoyment of owning their property. 

    • Organize and secure the services of any person or agent to undertake the maintenance and management of common property of the building. 

    • Make the house rules for the maintenance and management of the building and 

    • Perform anything that is reasonably necessary for the performance of its duties under this act.

The first meeting of the Joined Management Board (JMB) ​

  1. ​The Agenda for the first meeting of the body shall include the following:-​

  2. Election of office bearers of the Committee as provided in Subsection 11 (2). 

  3. Verify the takeover of insurance by the body from the developer; 

  4. Subject to Subsection 23 (2), determine the amount to be paid by the buyer to the Building Maintenance Fund for maintenance and management of common property of the building; 

  5. Decide on the rate of interest payable by the purchaser in respect of late payment charges; and 

  6. Any matters relating to the maintenance and management of common property of the building. 

  7. ​The quorum of the first meeting is based on members entitled to vote the developer i.e. ¼ of buyers who have paid maintenance charges in respect of their parcels to the Building Maintenance Account. 

  8. If the members entitled to vote not present within half an hour after the given time for the meeting, those who are present shall constitute a quorum. 

  9. All resolutions at the first meeting of the body shall be decided by a show of hands. 

  10. Whatever stated in Subsection (4), the joint purchasers are not entitled to vote except by means of a jointly appointed proxy. 

  11. If there is an equality of votes, the chairman shall have a casting vote. 

  12. If the entitled members are not present at the meeting after 1 hour or if there is no vote of all members present, for any reason, refuse to be bearers of the Committee, the developer should, within 7 days from the date of the meeting, inform the fact to the Commissioner. Thus the Commissioner may: - 

    • Set a new date for the first meeting of the body or 

    • Appoint a managing agent under Subsection 25 (1) to maintain the common property of the building. 

    • The developer shall register the name of the agency within 28 days of the first meeting with the Commissioner.

 JMB Registration Checklist 

  1. Letter from the developer / JMB for the designation of bodies on the registration card. 
  3. A complete copy of the purchase agreement (SNP) - a complete copy of parcel owners only. 

  5. A complete copy of the registered buyer. 

  7. A copy of the DMC (Deed and Mutual Covenant) - if any. ​

  9. A copy of the following documents for each JMB committee 

  11. Copy of identity card. 

  13. A copy of the purchase agreement with name and number of housing units. 

  15. A copy of the minutes of the first meeting of JMB. 

  17. A copy of the notice of the first meeting of the JMB sent to the buyer. 

  19. A copy of the list of names and phone numbers of JMB committee. 

  21. A copy of the voting form for the appointment of JMB committees 

  23. A copy of the voting form of the motion made at the meeting - if any. 

  25. A copy of the compartment owner's attendance of the first JMB meeting.​

  27. A copy of the letter of proxy. 

  29. Other related documents such as copies of grant.


Flow Chart of Issuance of Reminder Noticescarta alir pengeluaran notis peringatan
Filing Checklist Regarding Developer's Intent to Surrender Vacant Possession (VP) (Form 25)Borang 25.pdf
Filing Checklist of Contributed Share Units (Form 3)Borang 3.pdf

Plot Schedule Filing Checklist (Form 1/1A/2/2A)Borang F.pdf

JMB/MC Committee Integrity PledgeIkrar AJK.pdf

Document Submission Checklist for the Establishment of the First AGM of the MC Establishmentcarta alir pengeluaran notis peringatan
Document Submission Checklist for JMB and MC General Meetingscarta alir pengeluaran notis peringatan
Document Checklist for JMB Establishment Certificate Application​carta alir pengeluaran notis peringatan​​​


  1. ​Building Management Division,
    Lift A,​ Level 19, Wisma MBSA, Persiaran Perbandaran,
    40000 Sha​​h Alam, Sela​​n​​gor.​

    No. Tel​ ​: ​03 - 5522 2815
    ​No. Fax ​: ​03 - 5512 8412
    ​Email ​: ​​​
  2. Sr. Nurzalina Binti Luso
    ​​Position ​: ​Head Of Division
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1525
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​

  3. ​​Muhammad Tawfik Bin Khar​​
    ​​Postion ​: ​​Evaluation Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510​ 5133
    ​:​ 1380
    ​Email ​: ​​​​
  4. Muhammad Muttakin Bin Mohd Amin​
    ​​Position ​: Legal Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1718
    ​Email ​: ​ ​muttakin​​​​
  5. Mohamad Farid Bin Othman
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Administrative Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1397
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​​
  6. Zaleha Binti Mohd Ramli​
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Accountant​
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    ​:​ 1397​​
    ​:  ​

  7. Rifana Bin Ab Razak
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Assessment Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1751
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​​​
  8. Nurul Mardhiah Binti Mat Maidi
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Assessment Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1750
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​​​
  9. Nur Haffizah Binti Md Shah
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Assessment Officer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1751
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​​​
  10. Wan Abdul Rahman Bin Abdul Latip
    ​​Position ​: ​Assistant Engineer
    ​No. Tel ​: ​​03 - 5510 5133
    Ext. ​:​ 1744
    ​Email ​: ​ ​​​​​​​