Integrity Complaint Channel

This integrity complaint channel was established to provide guidance to the public and staff on how to submit integrity complaints and provide information related to any misconduct by employees of the Shah Alam City Council to promote a culture of work with integrity at the Shah Alam City Council.​​​

Among the scope of fault that can be reported to the Integrity Unit are as follows:​​​
  1. ​​Misappropriation and deviation;
  2. Giving / receiving / asking / offering bribes;
  3. Violations of laws, regulations and ethical standards as follows:​
    •  Not showing up for work / not obeying the working hours of civil servants​
    •  Sexual harassment / misbehavior 
    •  ​Not declaring property / updating ownership or disposal of new property
    •  Abuse / drug addiction
    •  Doing outside work and business without the permission of the Head of Department•  ​
    ​  Leaving the country without the permission of the Head of Department;
  4. ​Inefficient financial management that causes waste of government resources; or​
  5. Dishonest / untrustworthy / irresponsible as follows:​
    •  Making false claims​
    •  Submitting a fake sick leave certificate
    •  Leakage / misuse of government secrets / classified information
         - Office equipment
         - Council Vehicles
poster integriti


  • When the event happen​ (When)
  • Where the mistake was made (Where)
  • Who is involved and who can help (Who)
  • What was the mistake made (What)
  • Why the mistake was made (Why)
  • How the bribe transaction is done (How)
Message : Don't worry, you are protected, whistleblowers will be protected according to MACC Act 2009 and Whistleblower Protection Act 2010

If you want to make a complaint against any official in the Shah Alam City Council who commits an offense as above or any offense under the law, you can report the matter to the MBSA Integrity Unit through other mediums as follows:​
