1. The Departmental Joint Council for the Shah Alam City Council (hereinafter referred to as the "Council") consists of thirty nine (39) members including the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretaries consisting of nineteen (19) members appointed by the mayor of the City Council Shah Alam (hereinafter referred to as the Officials) and twenty (20) members elected by the employees who serve in the Shah Alam City Council (hereinafter referred to as the Workers Party).
2. Members of the "Official Party" shall consist of Shah Alam City Council Officers as follows:
1. Mayor
2. Deputy Mayor
3. Director of Management Services
4. Finance Director
5. Director of Valuation and Property Management
6. Director of Engineering
7. Director of Planning
8. Landscape Director
9. Director of Licensing
10. Head of the Enforcement Department
11. Director of Environmental Health
12. Director of development
13. Director of Community Development
14. Head of Information Technology Division
15. Head of Internal Audit Division
16. Head of Legal Division
17. Head of Corporate and Public Relations Division
18. Head of Solid Waste Management & Public Cleaning Department
19. Head of Human Resources Section
3. The above Officer Representatives are appointed in the name of their respective positions.
4. Vacancies that occur in the membership of the Officers caused by vacancies in the filling of the positions will not be filled by other candidates unless the vacancy occurs for a long period of time so as to affect the quorum for the meeting. In such a situation, the Datuk Bandar after being certified by the Council can decide on the appointment of the Officers on a temporary basis until the position in question is filled.
5. The members on behalf of the Employees shall consist of employees in the Shah Alam City Council and be elected by the employees who serve in the Shah Alam City Council. The rules for selecting the members of the Workers Party shall be made according to the beginning by a Committee established by the workers in the Shah Alam City Council.
6. Vacancies that occur in the membership of the Workers' Party must be filled by candidates from the Union/Association that appoints a representative to vacate the position, or the workers themselves.
7. Members of the Workers' Party shall hold office for a period of two (2) years starting from the date of their appointment and they may continue to hold the office until the members who will take over have been appointed/elected.
8. The officers of the Council are made up of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Joint Secretary. The Vice Chairman shall consist of members who are elected and become the Chairman of the Workers' Party. The Secretary of the Officers and the Secretary of the Workers become Joint Secretaries of the Council.
9. The purpose of the Council is to:
9.1 Obtaining the widest possible cooperation between the Officials and the Workers at the level of the Shah Alam City Council in matters related to the smoothness of work and the welfare of the employees who serve in the Council, to establish machinery to manage questions about working conditions and generally to collect various ideas from the workers and official representatives of the Shah Alam City Council.
10. The areas and functions of the Council should be focused only on matters that are included in the jurisdiction of the Council as follows:
10.1 Discuss and decide on matters regarding working conditions that are related to the relevant administration except all matters regarding individual employees;
10.2 Enable staff to participate and be more responsible for matters concerning their work and comply with the conditions under which their duties are carried out;
10.3 Encouraging staff through participation in discussions to gain more knowledge about the Council's administration; and
10.4 Arrange facilities to improve travel and office organization as well as provision for receiving suggestions and recommendations from staff on mattersini.
11. Regular meetings for the Council shall be held once every three (3) months.
12. The quorum for the Departmental Joint Council Meeting (MBJ) should not be less than 50% of the officers and 50% of the employees.
13. The agenda for the Council meetings must be prepared by the Joint Secretary and sent by the Secretaries to the respective parties not less than seven (7) days before the meeting. Matters not included in the agenda can only be discussed with the permission of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
14. Special Council Meetings can be held at the request of the Chairman or Vice Chairman when desired. The date of the meeting must be agreed upon by the officers of the Council. The matters to be discussed at the meeting shall be limited to the matters specified in the notice calling the meeting.
15. All Council decisions must be reached by agreement between both parties.
16. Decisions taken if there is a relationship with other Departments and are not contrary to Government policy can be implemented directly by the Shah Alam City Council.
17. For decisions related to Government policies or other Departments, they should be referred to the Public Service Department or the relevant Departments..
18. The Constitution of the Council can be amended at any one meeting of the Council. Notice of amendment should be given one month before the date of the meeting. All constitutional amendments that have been approved by the Council must be submitted to the Remuneration Division, Public Service Department for approval and approval.
Relationships And Positive Attitudes
Different interpretations and feelings of dissatisfaction about something can lead to disagreements and tense atmosphere. Through MBJ meetings, problems can be solved, while building a harmonious atmosphere and forming a positive attitude.
20. Satisfaction
MBJ can give employees the opportunity to show their talents and abilities in contributing ideas and views for the smoothness and smoothness of each other's work. With this, they will feel satisfied and will work with enthusiasm.
Workers Welfare
The morale of the employees will continue to increase if the Management is concerned about their welfare.
Increased Production
A friendly and harmonious atmosphere between the Employees and Employers will increase the productivity of the employees.
Improvement of Work Quality
Employee problems can be solved through MBJ. This situation will encourage employees to work harder and constantly improve and improve the results and quality of their work.
Cost Savings
MBJ can be used as a good forum to collaborate and discuss and exchange ideas to reduce office maintenance costs.
Employee Advancement
MBJ can provide opportunities for employees to improve themselves in terms of conversation and self-confidence, in addition to being able to build and strengthen friendly relations with Management.
Respectful Attitude
MBJ can foster a spirit of friendship and respect between Management and Employees.
Solving Problems
MBJ provides an opportunity for Management and Employees to discuss and find ideas to solve problems that arise.
When the employees are able to give their contribution and are given due attention by the Management, then they will feel proud and committed because their contribution is appreciated. This will give birth to feelings of love and loyalty to their organization.
When the Employees can get involved in MBJ, this will create a state of cohesiveness and unity in the office. Therefore, it will be able to avoid the feelings of 'belonging' and 'them' that often arise between Management and Employees.
Reduce Complaints
A good relationship and close cooperation between Management and Employees will create a harmonious working atmosphere and this will reduce dissatisfaction among employees. With this kind of atmosphere, all problems will be solved.
31. Any form of discussion that aims to change a Government decision that has been set in the General Order, Government Gazette, Circular, Circular Letter and so on and that takes the form of salary increase demands is not allowed to be discussed in the MBJ Meeting. However, MBJ can discuss those matters with the aim of providing explanations and explanations about them for the purpose of implementation only.
32. If there is a matter that is raised with the aim of changing a Government policy, then this claim should be channeled to the Trade Union Party or the National Joint Council (MBK) Workers Party according to their respective services.
33. Individual or personal matters cannot be discussed in MBJ meetings. The discussion should be focused on matters involving 'Common Interest' (common interest). Individual or personal problems do not need to be brought into the MBJ meeting and should be resolved administratively only.
Provided by
Joint Secretary of the Officers
Department Joint Council
Shah Alam City Council
1. Docs. Jpa. Gov. My/ Docs/ Penerbitan/ Panduan08/ Bs/ 01.Pdf. BS 4/2008.
Panduan Penubuhan Dan Perjalanan Majlis Bersama Jabatan (MBJ). 2008. Bahagian Saraan Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam.
2. Surat Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bilangan 3 Tahun 2002.
Majlis Bersama Jabatan Di Kementerian/ Jabatan/ Pihak Berkuasa Badan Berkanun/ Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan. 2002. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam