Updating Holding Information



  1. Updating ownership information consist of the following categories:- 

    • Shift of ownership due to sale and others. (I Form). 

    • Shift of ownership due to death. (J Form). 

    • Change of corresponding address.

    • Spelling of name’s correction.

  2. I / J Form is a form of notification that must be tabled by owner within the area of administration of a local authority regarding the change of owner name either through sales / purchases / auction.​

Act / Enactment / By-Laws (UUK) 

  1. I / J Form is provisioned under Section 160 Local Government Act 1976 (Act 171).

  2. "160. Notice of Rated Ownership Transfer."

    ​"1. When an ownership within the area of local authority is sold or transferred, therefore it is the responsibility of the seller or owner and buyer or the person that receives the ownership within 3 months after the sell or transfer to give notice to the local authority in I Form in First Table to this act. 

    2. When the owner of a rated ownership within the area of local authority dies, therefore it is the responsibility of the person who is the new owner via heritage or others to give notice to regarding it to the local authority within a period of one year after the death in J Form in First Table of this act. 


  1. Sale or Transfer of Ownership - Section 160 (1). 

    • Obtain the I Form that is available at Property Evaluation and Management Department or the Local Government Act 1979 (Act 171) or on the Council’s website. 

    • Must submit I Form (Notice of Sale / Transfer within 3 months after the Sale / Transfer). 

    • The complete form must be returned along with the following documents: - 

      • Copy of Grant or

      • Complete Sales and Purchase Agreement 

    • Make the payment of updated assessment tax and submitting a copy of the payment receipt as a proof. 

    • I Form Guideline.

    • I Form​.

  2. ​​Death - Section 160 (2).​

    • Obtain the I Form that is available at Property Evaluation and Management Department or the Local Government Act 1979 (Act 171) or on the Council’s website.​
    • Must submit J Form within one year.
    • The completed form must be returned along with the following documents: -

      • Death Certificate.​

      • A copy of the Grant/ Ownership letter.

    • Make the payment of updated assessment tax and submitting a copy of the payment receipt as a proof. 


    1. The holdings are transferred due to sales and so on.

         2. The holding is transferred as a result of death. 
    • ​​​​Notification Letter borang i​​

    • ​​Form Jborang j

    ​​​​​​​3. Changing the mailing address - correspondence. menukar alamat surat menyurat

    4.Correction of the spelling of the name. pembetulan ejaan nama


Assessment Section
Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam,

Department Valuation and Property Management,
Lif B,​ Level 2, Wisma MBSA, Persiaran Perbandaran,
40000 Shah Alam, Selangor.

​No. Tel​​​​ ​:​ ​​03 - 5522 2892 / 03 - 5510 5133 ext. 1440 / 1444 / 1441
​No. Fax ​:​ ​​03 - 5513 8511
​Email ​: ​​​​​​​​​penilaian@mbsa.gov.my​​​