Page 103 - MBSA Maz 2010_H
P. 103
In reflecting on the events of or less. But I had no choice, like it or not I had
my life which is still fresh and to get on the bus to get into my destination.
Once a passenger got on the bus, the bus
crispy inside my head, I have to conductor would normally kept on shouting
return to the time when I was “belakang, belakang lagi” to everyone who
studying in TIEC Preparatory had already inside the bus to go way back
College or better known as Kolej even though he knew that there was no more
space left. The bus would not move until the
Pengajian Persediaan (KPP/ bus became cramped like a can of sardine of
ITM) in Section 17, Shah Alam ‘Cap Ayam’. However, interestingly, no matter
back in the year of 1988. how far I go, it would only cost me fifty cent as
long as the place is still within the Shah Alam
Going elsewhere in Shah Alam especially to area. Though it was sound so cheap but still
the City Center was not as easy as today from fifty cent meant a lot to me in those years.
Section 17. As a not so pretty rich student, the
only transportation that I could afford back then My imagination and excitement of driving an
was with a mini bus. For those who have never F1 car in Litar Lumba Shah Alam while riding
seen a mini bus before, it can be described as on the mini bus vanished immediately after I
a smaller version of a normal bus painted with heard a bell rang. The mini bus stopped right in
pink, blue or even yellow. The mini bus had no
air-conditioning instead it allowed passengers front of the Kompleks PKNS, the one and only
to view and breathe with polluted air from shopping complex in Shah Alam. Wondered
the black cloud of diesel smoke coming from around from store to store tried to find some
beneath the bus through those big wide opened stuffs for my design project and some window
windows. Every time the bus moved I had to shopping as well, ended me up at FC restaurant.
hold on my “tudong” so it will not fall off. The trail of fried chicken smell coming out from
the restaurant made my stomach growling.
Everything inside the mini bus looked so petite I saw some of my friends with their partners
to me and obviously the seats were not so had their lunch together inside the restaurant
comfortable at all unless you were 4 feet high (famous dating center as I called it). Some of
my life which is still fresh and to get on the bus to get into my destination.
Once a passenger got on the bus, the bus
crispy inside my head, I have to conductor would normally kept on shouting
return to the time when I was “belakang, belakang lagi” to everyone who
studying in TIEC Preparatory had already inside the bus to go way back
College or better known as Kolej even though he knew that there was no more
space left. The bus would not move until the
Pengajian Persediaan (KPP/ bus became cramped like a can of sardine of
ITM) in Section 17, Shah Alam ‘Cap Ayam’. However, interestingly, no matter
back in the year of 1988. how far I go, it would only cost me fifty cent as
long as the place is still within the Shah Alam
Going elsewhere in Shah Alam especially to area. Though it was sound so cheap but still
the City Center was not as easy as today from fifty cent meant a lot to me in those years.
Section 17. As a not so pretty rich student, the
only transportation that I could afford back then My imagination and excitement of driving an
was with a mini bus. For those who have never F1 car in Litar Lumba Shah Alam while riding
seen a mini bus before, it can be described as on the mini bus vanished immediately after I
a smaller version of a normal bus painted with heard a bell rang. The mini bus stopped right in
pink, blue or even yellow. The mini bus had no
air-conditioning instead it allowed passengers front of the Kompleks PKNS, the one and only
to view and breathe with polluted air from shopping complex in Shah Alam. Wondered
the black cloud of diesel smoke coming from around from store to store tried to find some
beneath the bus through those big wide opened stuffs for my design project and some window
windows. Every time the bus moved I had to shopping as well, ended me up at FC restaurant.
hold on my “tudong” so it will not fall off. The trail of fried chicken smell coming out from
the restaurant made my stomach growling.
Everything inside the mini bus looked so petite I saw some of my friends with their partners
to me and obviously the seats were not so had their lunch together inside the restaurant
comfortable at all unless you were 4 feet high (famous dating center as I called it). Some of