Page 136 - Jendela Dinamik Shah Alam 2
P. 136
MBSA sebagai Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan
bertanggungjawab sebagai perantara di antara
masyarakat setempat dan pihak kerajaan sering
menyahut cabaran untuk mendekati masyarakat.
Program seperti ini dilaksanakan bagi membantu
masyarakat setempat mendapatkan maklumat serta
informasi terkini berkenaan pembaharuan dan makluman
yang dilaksanakan oleh pihak Kerajaan Negeri.

SACC is synonymous as the Local Authority which is
responsible as an intermediary between the local community
and government. It often takes up the challenge to carry
out its obligations as a medium for the people. The main
purpose of implementing this programme is to help the local
community get the latest information as well as advice on the
reforms implemented by the State Government.
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